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The Rampage Online

The News Site of Fresno City College

The Rampage Online

The News Site of Fresno City College

The Rampage Online

SCCCD’S Dr. Cynthia Azari Q&A

Story By: Joseph Boone October 29, 2008
Q: What do you feel you will bring to FCC, should you be selected? A: As President of Fresno City College I will bring the breadth and depth of experience needed to do the job. I have served as president of a community college, and I know firsthand the many challenges inherent in the position.

The Man Behind the Madness

Story By: Kristen Petros October 29, 2008
When one thinks of a haunted house, what imagery comes to mind? For most it is the typical concoction of blood, gore, and people jumping out at them. But for Drew Dominguez, the creator of Haunted Fresno, it is all about playing with people's emotions; he prefers subtle hints of scary elements.

FCC hosts Women’s Conference

Story By: Jeannie Batey October 29, 2008
Fresno City College hosted the all-day satellite feed of the 2008 Women's Conference in the College Activities Center led on October 22 by California's Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver. The event included satellite feeds of celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Jaime Lee Curtis, and Michael J.

Interview with Meaghan McCready: Red Vampire

Story By: Kristen Petros October 29, 2008
Interview with Meaghan McCready: Red Vampire Q: How did you find the job? A: My friend Allie has been working there for like 5 years and she was always going on about it. It sounded awesome, and I probably would've done it last year, but they didn't have it.

4 Vying For The President’s Chair

Story By: Joseph Boone October 29, 2008
The Fresno City College Presidential Search Committee has advanced four finalists for the position of presidency of the college. to be president of FCC since Dr. Ned Doffoney's departure from the position last semester. The finalists are Dr. Kay Adkins, Dr.
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