Signs to Support March for Women’s Rights
Students created signs and posters for the second annual Women’s March in Fresno on Jan. 20.
The Women’s movement got its start Jan. 21, 2017 when five million people joined to protest the election of President Trump in what became the largest organized protest in U.S. history.
Fresno’s event, one of hundreds that took place across the nation with the theme, “Hear Our Vote” seeks to bring awareness to the political power of women by taking to the street in a show of solidarity with women all over the world against inequalities women face every day.
Their message is for women to take their power to the polls and become more civically involved in the things that affect their future.
Locally, the event included speakers on women’s rights, human rights, social and environmental peace and justice.
“I am having a baby soon and I want him to respect women,” said Jewel Hurtado, a student who was one of the sign makers. “I want him to read about these things in history books and not have to see it on the news every night.”