If you are a style conscious college student, you’ll face an important choice: buying clothes or buying books. Since books are non-negotiable and take a large bite out of your meager finances, you’ll want to maximize your spring wardrobe on a budget. Buying cheap shouldn’t mean you have to compromise on the latest styles, colors, and value.
With various magazines flooding your mailboxes with headlines proclaiming, “Top Ten fashion trends” or “What to Buy and Wear Now”, it’s easy to get confused. But who says the magazines are right? Your guess is probably as good as theirs or mine. It is about common sense, but mostly about your limited budget and the need to look like you stepped right out of the magazine pages. Am I right? Am I wrong? Who knows?
From experience, I know that keeping up with the latest trends and styles can be time consuming and expensive. Most importantly, finding “your” style for a great price and good quality can be challenging. Therefore, the styles in this story are from various collections that can be found at H&M, American Eagle Outfitters, Target, Julia’s, Macy’s, Forever 21, Banana Republic, and Urban Outfitters.