1. BRING A CELL PHONE!! YOU WILL GET LOST IF YOU DON’T HAVE ONE!! There’s going be a kabillion people over there so if you don’t stand out in a big crowd, you will get lost. Or you can do what I do whenever I’m looking for my friends: Scream their names like you don’t have any sense until you find them.
2. This year, they’ll be having one dollar carnival ride Wednesdays. So if you want to save some dough, bring a few dollars and have some fun.
3. Want a friend to get you in the fair for free? Donate Blood at the Blood Center for a buy-one-get-one-free fair pass!! You have until the end of this week to do so. Besides, hurt and sick people can always use a donor for the right blood type. If your scared of needles, tragic.
4. Don’t buy the tickets. Just buy the paper wrist band. I remember one time somebody spent $60 on tickets when she could’ve just bought a paper wrist band for $30. It gets you unlimited rides. Makes no sense to even sell the tickets then, right?
5. Guys, if your girlfriend or your friend who screams like a girl, does not like rides or heights, don’t bring them if you’re trying to have fun. If you do, don’t force them on any rides, because that’s just going to ruin your relationship.
6. Don’t be weird. Please. It’s like every year something bizarre happens to me and my friends. I remember one time these girls threw ice cubes at me saying, “OMG A BLACK GUY!! HEY ICE CUBE, RAP FOR ME!! SING ME A SONG!!” Not Cool.
7. As a matter of fact, if you want to, go ahead. Do something crazy. You’ll just get arrested. They have police over there for a reason. Though if they ask where you got that idea, you didn’t hear nothin’ from me.
8. If you don’t want to lose anything, DON’T BRING ANYTHING!!! I have been hearing the craziest stories about the things people lost at the fair. “I lost my life savings, my social security card, my birth certificate, my baby, my girlfriend, my life…” DON’T BRING THEM THEN!! Just bring money, NOT ALL OF IT, a phone and a camera. What more do you need?
9. Almost everything at the fair is fried. It’s delicious, but fried, as in unhealthy, so eat at your own risk, especially when it comes to the deep fried Klondike bars…those are a death sentence all on their own.
10. If you think you’re going to throw up, DON’T RIDE ANYTHING!! One time, somebody who rode “Super Shot Drop Tower” (Second best ride in my opinion. “The Starship 3000” being the first) and had to throw up but he threw up as they were speeding down. So yeah, it was raining throw up for a few seconds.Gross. Save us all the trauma of having to see your lunch and hold it down folks.