(Photo by: Lionsgate)

Photo by: Lionsgate

Let Your Outer Adult Take Your Inner Child To Power Rangers

March 23, 2017

The latest installment of the Power Rangers franchise back handsprings its way to theaters Friday, March 25 and introduces a new cast of rangers for a new generation of fans.

But fans of all ages can expect to enjoy the superhero origin story they didn’t know they needed.

Power Rangers is not just one of the best superhero origin stories to hit the big screen in recent years, it’s one of the best, period.

It’s not often one feels that there are actual consequences for a film’s protagonist, especially in superhero films, but Power Rangers does just that.

The film’s protagonists don’t just face off against the forces of evil, but also the struggle of being teenagers, growing up in a small town, bedridden single parents, behavioral disorders, sexuality and identity issues.

Audience members can expect to really feel for this group of disenfranchised teens as they get to know each other and fight alongside each other.

The young cast of relatively unknown actors also add great group chemistry that really brings out the best in each actor’s performance.

Apart from having a good story, the film also is surprisingly witty and funny without compromising the overall tone of the film.

Blue ranger Billy Cranston, played by RJ Cyler, is not what one might call a social butterfly.

Cyler’s character is a technology genius and geology geek and he also offers some of the film’s best one liners.

In one scene Cyler channels his inner Bruce Willis and puts a twist on the classic line from Die Hard, “Yippy-ca-yay mother… mother’s good, yeah mother’s good,” poking fun at the innocent nature of the character and the film’s PG-13 rating.

Saturday Night Live star Bill Hader also brings laughs to the film playing the android Alpha 5.

Yes, the film is a fun story for adults and children alike but it’s not without its flaws. Fans of the series probably couldn’t wait until the rangers started doing unnecessary backflips and karate, but the 2017 adaptation spends very little time on the fight scenes.

The film feels less like an action movie and more like a revamping of “The Breakfast Club” with super powers.

Audiences will also not enjoy the film if they are not willing to suspend a little bit of disbelief when watching six 20-somethings making decisions typical of high school kids.

Also Rita Repulsa may be a classic Power Ranger series villain, but that doesn’t mean she’s not generic and somewhat bland for such an otherwise interesting film. The character of Repulsa, played by Elizabeth Banks, had no real motivation other than a lust for power. How many times has the audience heard that story? Banks’ performance wasn’t bad, but it failed to deliver any tone other than repulsively forgettable.

Still, Power Rangers is a must see for fans of the series and a fun time for anyone interested in a new superhero movie with a diverse and young cast. And yes, ranger fans, there will be a sequel, just stick around after the credits.

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