The drive there is eerie- there are no street lights and all farmland. It was the first October night where the clouds covered the crescent moon and left a purplish tint to the sky. To add to the ere, I played creepy songs on my car radio for my three passengers- Jessica, who is my best friend of 10 years, Shubneet, her sister, and Sofia, Shubneet’s friend. In the passenger’s seat Jessica sat, sweating and plugging her ears. From the back seat, hollers of “turn this off I’m scared” echoed as the smell of manure filled the air of the car.
After parking the car, screams and chainsaws grew louder as we walked closer. Shubneet and Sofia had never been to this haunted farmland before, however, Jessica knew what to expect.
As we waited in line to be let into the center of Hobbs Grove, they started to rock themselves and Jessica went quiet. Once you enter Hobbs Grove the string lights and moon dully brighten the atmosphere. In the distance shadowed figures with distorted faces are outlined carrying weapons.
Panic started to sink into my friends eyes as I approached one of the figures to ask for a photo. Shrieks of ‘you better not’ and ‘don’t you dare’ as the masked figure picked up their ax to pose. We then decided it was time to enter the 30 minute trail of jumpscares, clowns and more.
Upon entering the house we were greeted by this middle-aged white lady with teased blonde hair and dirt on her face. As soon as we entered the house, Shubneet and Sofia led the way, and I lost my arm as Jessica clung on cutting my blood circulation.

The trail was split into three parts, making sure that the groups didn’t bump into each other. We completed the first section as Shubneet, Sofia and I were laughing and applauding, while Jessica was wiping her tears and praying. We were met by a lady wearing a “non-scary” outfit asking how the first section of the trail was. The three of us were giggling saying it was fun and we couldn’t wait, while again Jessica said she couldn’t wait to get out.
I told the lady she was crying and praying and the lady then antagonizing replied “that doesn’t work too well does it.”
Jessica replied with a sarcastic tone, “No, it doesn’t.”
The lady then chuckled and asked Jessica for her name. To which the lady leaned into her walkie mic signaling to the scarers that there is Jessica coming up.
The rest of the trail was Jessica cursing, praying, crying and clinging to me, waiting for the haunting to end. Even when she saw the figures and outlines of people she was still screaming.
If I would’ve gone with anybody else, the $30 ticket, which is the cheapest the tickets get all month, would not have been worth it.
I think the actors and scenery are amazing, but I personally don’t get scared that easily. The ticket is priceless when you go with someone who really thinks the actors are out to get them. When I left Hobbs Grove, tears rolled down my face from laughing so hard.
Overall, it is a good experience only if you go with someone who is scared for their life.