The Associated Student Government appointed three new members to its executive board at its meeting today.
Sen. Edward James, who serves as ASG’s SSCCC Region V Delegate, was appointed to the position of legislative vice president. The LVP acts as a manager within ASG that works with scheduling and committee assignments.
“I wanted somebody that can take the friend aspect out of everything, and understand that this is a business,” said ASG President Monique Reyna.
Sen. Michael Olague was appointed executive vice president. The EVP handles ASG’s budget.
Sen. Victoria Mosby was appointed as interim president pro-tempore. The PPT is the chair for the Inter-Club Council. It is unclear why Mosby was appointed as an interim; she may just be looking to help out for the remainder of the semester while they find someone to fill the position permanently.
The three executive board positions were all filled because the persons that held them prior resigned.
Sen. Rosalinda Barba served as ASG’s new secretary at today’s meeting. The position was previously held by the new ASG President, Monique Reyna.
Another ASG resignation was submitted today. Sen. Alex O’Casey, who was implicated in the CCCSAA scandal earlier this month, submitted her letter of resignation today. Although O’Casey’s resignation won’t be brought before the senate to vote until next week, she will mark the seventh person to resign from ASG since the CCCSAA conference in October.