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The News Site of Fresno City College

The Rampage Online

ASG election cycle comes to an end

The Associated Student Government election cycle for the 2013-2014 school year has ended, and it is now known who the next crop of student leaders will be. Edward James Sidebotham will be the new ASG president, taking the place of Monique Reyna.

“I feel that I am qualified,” said Sidebotham, current ASG Legislative Vice-President and president-elect. “I also see a giant disconnect on campus, which shows in our last election.”

The ASG elections took place April 23-25 and only received a total of 189 votes. With a student population of more than 21,000, that means 0.9 percent of the student body voted.

“Everyone including myself take some responsibility for that,” said Sidebotham. ”And we will improve on that next year.”

David Lindsey will take over the position of LVP from Sidebotham. David Manyvahn will be stepping into Michael Olague’s role as Executive Vice-President.

Victoria Mosby will become President Pro-Tempore, and feels that she is prepared to do the job after her numerous leadership experiences for the ASG.

According to Sidebotham, there are plans to improve awareness and communication of student government events and goals. He claims that the implementation of the town hall meetings and small information tables throughout campus should help ASG visibility.

Melissa Lopez, Fransisco Gomez, Michael Marquez, Josh Zamora, Carolyn Robertson and Veronica Romani were all elected as senators.

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Patrick Forrest
Patrick Forrest, Reporter
Patrick is in his fifth semester at Fresno City College and at the Rampage. He was born Feb. 5, 1994 and raised in Chicago his entire life until moving out to Fresno just before starting college. He has begun to enjoy California since being out here, but is still very often looking for new things to do or see. With his wide array of interest you can find him talking about anything including movies, politics, sports, comic books and almost everything in between. He has also been attempting to spread his wings as a storyteller by writing scripts, so if you have an idea for he would love to hear it.

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