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The News Site of Fresno City College

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The News Site of Fresno City College

The Rampage Online

Dean’s Medallions chosen


The highest honor that can be given to a Fresno City College graduate is the Dean’s Medallion of Excellence Award.

This year, eight students representing seven academic divisions and student services will receive this award which commemorates students whose academic success and community service have brought honor to the college.

“[The deans of] each of our academic divisions and student services … all pick a medallion winner from their division,” said Kathy Bonilla, the college’s public information officer.

Recipients of the Dean’s Medallion are not only honored with a title, but are also awarded a scholarship.

“Each of the students will receive a medallion and a $500 scholarship,” Bonilla said.

A reception for the Dean’s Medallion Award recipients will take place on Thursday, May 9 at 5:30 p.m. in the Old Administration Building, Room 251.

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Patrick Forrest
Patrick Forrest, Reporter
Patrick is in his fifth semester at Fresno City College and at the Rampage. He was born Feb. 5, 1994 and raised in Chicago his entire life until moving out to Fresno just before starting college. He has begun to enjoy California since being out here, but is still very often looking for new things to do or see. With his wide array of interest you can find him talking about anything including movies, politics, sports, comic books and almost everything in between. He has also been attempting to spread his wings as a storyteller by writing scripts, so if you have an idea for he would love to hear it.

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