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The News Site of Fresno City College

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The News Site of Fresno City College

The Rampage Online

Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Emergency Water Delivery Act still point of discussion


California leaders came to Fresno City Hall to discuss the historic Central Valley drought and to further discuss the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Emergency Water Delivery Act.

The House of Representatives passed the bill with a 229-191 vote on February 5 and it was the topic that led to President Barack Obama’s Central Valley visit on February 14.

H.R. 3964, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Emergency Water Delivery Act, introduced by the Republican California delegation, addresses the emergency drought in California by restoring some water supplies to provide job certainty to farmers and communities.

The Senate has yet to take action on the bill.


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Patrick Forrest
Patrick Forrest, Reporter
Patrick is in his fifth semester at Fresno City College and at the Rampage. He was born Feb. 5, 1994 and raised in Chicago his entire life until moving out to Fresno just before starting college. He has begun to enjoy California since being out here, but is still very often looking for new things to do or see. With his wide array of interest you can find him talking about anything including movies, politics, sports, comic books and almost everything in between. He has also been attempting to spread his wings as a storyteller by writing scripts, so if you have an idea for he would love to hear it.

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