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The News Site of Fresno City College

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The News Site of Fresno City College

The Rampage Online

Chinese New Year is Cultural Celebration

Chinese New Year is Cultural Celebration
Photo by: Ram Reyes

Hundreds gathered for the 15th annual Chinese New Year Parade and Festival in downtown Fresno’s Chinatown on Saturday.

Chinatown Revitalization Inc. hosted an event that allowed the community to come together and celebrate the year of the ram.

The nonprofit organization, Chinatown Revitalization Inc. was founded in 1994 and enables the community to experience the historic values of Fresno’s Chinatown.

“I think that it [15th annual Chinese New Year Parade and Festival] benefits the community because it brings all types of people together as one,” says Suzette Freeman, Fresno City College Student Activities aide.

The event started at 10 a.m., lasting until 3 p.m., allowing visitors to participate in engaging activities such as games, raffles and more.

Food vendors varied from Chinese cuisine to Colombian cuisine, which revealed the wide diversity in the community.

The other vendors present were Fresno State’s Hmong Student Association, Politi Branch Library, The Hoot Nest, and more.

During the festival, kids were able to participate in free activities at The Hoot Nest booth. Activities such as arts and craft projects were available for kids.

Although the event is for the celebration of the Chinese New Year, visitors were able to experience and learn about a variety of cultures during the hour long parade.

“I think that it’s an amazing experience to be able to learn about other cultures,” said Freeman.

The parade showcased over 20 floats, a car show from Cars and Coffee Fresno, an appearance from Chinatown Revitalization Inc.’s founder, Kathy Omachi and live performances.

With the striking beats from the drums, Fresno Gumyo Taiko performed a four-song set and gave listeners access to hearing music from Japanese drums.

As two lions were showcased during the traditional lion dance, John Cho Lion Dance Team completed the lion dance to cast away evil spirits and to bring good luck.

The dance performances continued as Halau Hula I Ka La [Hula School in the Sun] performed a traditional Hawaiian hula dance while additional performances were from Los Ninos Azteca and Purposed II Praise School of Dance.

Accompanied by drums, cymbals and firecrackers, lion dancers entered nearby restaurants, blessing them with good luck after the completion of the parade.

Janet Claassen, Politi Branch Library representative, says the event “celebrates the diversity of our community,” and “the wonderful contributions made by the Chinese community of Fresno. “I think that it’s a chance to celebrate our life here,” said Claassen.

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About the Contributors
Chueyee Yang
Chueyee Yang, News Editor
Chueyee Yang is a 19-year-old mass communication journalism major who is now attending her fourth semester at Fresno City College. Although she was born in Orange County, Calif., she moved to Fresno, Calif. with her parents and older sister at the age of three. While growing up in Fresno, Yang developed an interest in multiple activities such as nail design, crafting and later grew an interest in photography when she was a sophomore in high school. After she realized her passion for photography, she started to interact with video editing and filming making. Once she got her hands on an editing software in 2012, she decided to combine the things that she loved such as makeup, fashion, crafting and much more and created her YouTube channel, ChueyeeHeartsBeauty. In addition to creating content on her YouTube channel, she also interns and writes articles based on Korean entertainment news for Because her interest of becoming a journalist in the Korean broadcasting industry, she is now learning Korean where she wants to use her Korean verbal and writing skills for working within a Korean broadcasting channel. Meanwhile, broadcasting is now the place where Yang would like to see herself after she obtains her Bachelor of Arts degree in mass communication journalism. Although she would prefer to work within a Korean broadcasting network, she would be happy as long as she would be able to express her enjoyment for photography, filming making, editing, writing as well as the Korean culture in her future career.
Ram Reyes
Ram Reyes, Art Director

Ramuel Reyes is a 23-year-old, currently living in Fresno, California. He was born in Lucena City, Philippines. After living five years in the United Arab Emirates, his family moved to Warwick, Rhode Island in 2007. They moved the following year to Fresno, where they lived ever since. Ram is pursuing journalism, with a focus on photojournalism.

There are really three things Ram cares about outside of the Rampage. One is video games. He loves video games and has been a “real” gamer since he was four. The other obsession of his is photography. After having messed around with a DSLR at one point in his life, he concluded that he was “pretty good” at this and decided to make it his passion. Lastly, he loves clothes. He loves them a lot. He loves buying them, looking at them and wearing them. He doesn’t like the “buying” part but the “wearing” part he enjoys very much. Ram also has a dangerous obsession over Kanye West. If you are reading this Kanye, please notice me. Follow Ram on Twitter @neuromanti_c  

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