Consider Degree and Plans When Registering
Are you returning to Fresno City College in the fall?
Have you enrolled in the classes you want and in
times that fit your life?
Registration is underway and Fresno City College
students are choosing classes to complete their
major requirements or just the General Education
classes for transfer.
If you have not registered, you should consider
several variables when choosing which courses
to sign up for. Factors to consider include — work
schedules, transferable units and your requirements
for your majors.
No matter where you are in the process, you
should sign up to meet with a counselor.
Adjunct counselor Melissa Kent said students
who are in the EOP or DSPS programs should meet
with your designated counselor as soon as possible.
The counseling office opens as early as 7:45 a.m. and
is open until 5:00 p.m.
“You should not guess or listen to your friends,”
when considering what classes to sign up for Kent
If you are planning to transfer, it is important to
make sure you are taking the right classes — those
that are transferrable to the university you are hoping
to transfer to and will count towards your major.
“You don’t want to take the wrong classes and be
here for a longer time than you should be,” said Saul
Fernandez, an adjunct counselor for the Transfer
Center. “You definitely want to plan ahead and meet
with a counselor.”
Fernandez also said that making and completing
your Student educational plan is really important.
Students who fill out an SEP get to register for classes
earlier than others.
You may also be eligible for the Board of Governors’
fee waiver which waives your enrollment fees.
Students may apply online for the BOG fee waiver at
the website.

David Chavez is 25 and is in his sixth semester taking classes at Fresno City College. He is a journalism student and he plans to finish with a bachelor's...