Black History Month Begins at Fresno City College [PHOTOS] [VIDEO]
February 1, 2016
Photo by: Ram Reyes
A display for Black History Month is featured at the Old Administration Building Auditorium on Monday, Feb. 1, 2015.
The African American Faculty and Staff Association kicked off African American History Month 2016, a month-long celebration across the country, Monday morning.
Speakers, like Dr. Oba T’Shaka presented to about a dozen students at a free event in the Old Administration Building Auditorium.
Nicole Monae was a featured artist at the event.
A presentation on “Academically Speaking” is scheduled for Tuesday. Dr. Tanya Fisher, Superintendent of the Selma Unified School District, will present at 10:00 a.m. in OAB 114.
Additional events are scheduled throughout the month of February. An up-to-date calendar of all African American History Month events can be found at