New Chancellor Expresses Optimistic Outlook
Photo by: Larry Valanzuela
The State Center Community College District Chancellor, Dave Paul Parnell talks about his new position at the district on April 27, 2016.
The State Center Community College District Chancellor started his new job on March 18, but already has a plan to tackle the biggest issues in the district.
Dr. Paul Parnell said he is pleased to be at the district, and that he approaches the different challenges in the district with his own version of the ABCs — A for accreditation; B for the bond measure and C for community involvement. decision-making, equity and most importantly, students round out the other few letters, according to Parnell’s version.
“We are in the process of becoming a team of people dedicated to providing for student needs,” Parnell said, during a sit-down interview with the Rampage.
Parnell commented on the recent selection process for a new president for Fresno City College which Cynthia Azari, the current interim president, was among three finalists. He said that although no one was chosen, every candidate is still in the pool of options as the search committee explores other prospects.
“We plan on having a president for FCC by the fall semester,” Parnell said.
Parnell also said he expects the future FCC president to be involved in the selection process for the key leadership at the college in filling the interim positions permanently.
“The new president needs to make [those decisions] in my opinion,” Parnell said.
Parnell also said he doesn’t expect the number of interims to affect the college accreditation and the process when the accrediting board makes its way to the district sometime in 2018.

Cresencio Rodriguez-Delgado has led the Rampage for four semesters as the Editor in Chief. Cresencio joined the Rampage on January 12, 2014 and has reported...