New Students Savor Freedoms and Challenges of College
More stories from Payton Hartung
Photo by: Ram Reyes
Rampage archive photo.
First-time students on the Fresno City College campus say that despite the more rigorous academic load, they are relishing the new freedom that college brings as well as the increased opportunity to expand their knowledge.
Jonathan Sanchez, a business administration major, is one of many new students at FCC. Sanchez graduated from Fresno High School last spring and said he is finding the college experience liberating.
“[It] gives us the chance for us to maintain and have management of our own time,” Sanchez said of the process for creating your own class schedule.
Sanchez is juggling four classes but is most fascinated by his Computer Information Technology class. He said the class focuses on running Microsoft software on Macbook computers and resolving compatibility issues.
“I like that they are introducing us to that new concept,” Sanchez said. “I never thought they would be having us do that type of stuff.”
Sanchez said he views FCC as a place of opportunity.
“You’re able to expand your skills and also learn new skills to help you in your future,” Sanchez said.
But there are some things Sanchez will have to get used to, he admitted.
“The hardest part is the transition,” he said, explaining that in high school, the teachers were more flexible whereas in college, he noticed students learn to do things on their own.
Alfred Lorenzo, a Bullard High School graduate and first year student, says he is enjoying sleeping in due to more relaxed schedules.
His biggest challenge: “having to do financial aid,” he said.