New ASG Senate Member Plans to Create Deaf Awareness

ASG logo courtesy of FCC website

ASG logo courtesy of FCC website

A newly appointed senator of the Associated Student Government said she will use her service to help deaf students and inform non deaf students on the American Sign Language culture.

Taylor Chumley, a deaf education major, who is also deaf, was voted into the Associated Student Government senate during the Jan. 30 meeting in the Senate Chambers.

“I wanted to join [ASG] because I noticed there seemed to be a low percentage of representation for those with disabilities on campus,” Chumley stated in an email. “So I wanted to step up and inspire others, as well as to be in a position to encourage positive changes around campus.”

Chumley said she wants to help her peers have a better understanding of deaf awareness by having a deaf accessibility awareness event.

The still unnamed event will be held on Feb. 13 at the main fountain from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. It was unanimously approved by the ASG and will help bridge the communication gap between the deaf and hearing by teaching general signs and cultural awareness.

“I’m very excited for this event in mid-February,” Chumley stated. “I hope to be able to continue helping the deaf and hard of hearing by listening and being an accessible representative that they can speak to in their native language.”