Want to Be a Leader? Your Time is Now

ASG logo courtesy of FCC website

ASG logo courtesy of FCC website

School is beginning again, which means it’s time for school-related activities to arise, and
Fresno City’s Associated Student Government is looking to get you involved in leadership this

ASG President Christopher Washington, is encouraging students to sign up to join as
soon as they can.

There are appointments available to be appointed by Washington to a specific
role in the government. You must be enrolled in at least six units, have a 2.0 grade point average, and be able to commit three to six hours a week to meetings.

There are multiple roles available each semester, such as president, and vice president, as
well as senators for each major part of the school, including a public relations senator, library
tutoring senator, and much more.

Washington added that he would like to get as many students involved as he can this year,
as there are many roles to fill and jobs to do.