A New Direction for ASG, with a New Team

Photo by: Hannah Lanier

Dean of Students, Sean Henderson (right) swearing Senators Ruby Kaur (left) and Henry Evans (middle) into office in the FCC Senate Chambers on Feb. 12, 2019.

In light of an unstable role of leadership in Associated Student Government at Fresno City College acting President Marisol Valdivia took control as chair, along with a new Vice President, Communications Officer and two new senators–who have all been sworn in within the last three weeks.

While the semester is at a halfway point, ASG seems to be just beginning.

With new members being sworn in and current members being granted new titles, ASG is headed in a new direction.

Two new senators, one of which has just been named the ASG communications officer, were sworn in on Feb. 12.

Senator Ruby Kaur, was one of the two appointed, along with Senator Henry Evans.

Senator Kaur was quickly nominated and unanimously voted communications officer following her first meeting after being sworn in on Feb. 19.

While Evans, a construction management major, remains a senator and hopes to achieve a decent amount of tasks during his time in ASG at the benefit of the FCC student body.

“I want to make an impact on the school. I want to be a part of something,” Evans said.

Meanwhile, past participants in ASG such as current Vice President Ana Munoz, have stepped down from their previous positions and embarked on new ones.

Similar to acting Communications Officer Kaur, Vice President Munoz was nominated and unanimously voted vice president from her previous position as Communications Officer on Feb. 12.

With the several changes in positions in ASG, the association is attempting to move in a positive direction.

“We are getting a lot more done. We agree on everything. We work really well together,” said acting Student Trustee Carlos “Chuck” Rodriguez, who has been with ASG for going on three semesters.

ASG Advisor Ernie Martinez feels confident about the team that has been built and he hopes to focus on getting back on track with “mandated training beginning on March 19.”

ASG plans to appoint another senator in their next meeting on Tuesday, March 6.