ASG Adopts ‘Vision for Success’ Plan

The Associated Student Government approved the “Vision for Success” plan presented by Carol Rains-Heisdorf, coordinator for Fresno City College’s institutional research, during their meeting in the senate chambers on March 5.

Rains-Heisdorf’s proposal was the focus of the meeting that dealt mostly with reports, unfinished business, and new business. The plan for Vision for Success has been on the agenda for the last two weeks.

The plan aims to shift the focus of educators to the success rates of the students. For instance, “instead of getting paid for you guys [students] showing up, we [FCC Faculty] will be getting paid based on how you do,” Sean Henderson, dean of students, explained..

Heisdorf, as well as Henderson, stressed how important the success of FCC students will be from here on out.

Furthermore, with the idea of students’ success in mind, the closing of equity gaps in GPA is an additional benefit of the financial plan. Equity gaps: implying that success rates in certain subjects vary based on gender, age, and ethnicity, according to Heisdorf.

“There will be set goals with the intention of meeting them,” said Heisdorf, adding that “timelines and framework” will be provided to meet the independent needs of students.

Heisdorf also explained that the financial plan will close equity gaps and result in the increase of graduates and students who transfer. As little as 20 percent of enrolled students successfully earn their degrees due to gaps in equity, according to Heisdorf.

Heisdorf described the goals of the Vision for Success as representing an action taken by FCC faculty to ensure that students achieve what they came to FCC for.

“We’re coming to you instead of waiting for you to come to us,” Henderson said.

The plan also implies a sense of community, and the dependence of student’s success based on the success of the surrounding community.

“If every person in our community does not succeed, our whole community does not succeed,” Henderson said.

The presenter also reported that the states and universities which have already implemented this plan have had a positive response, “evidence in other states with this funding service shows serious change,” Heisdorf said about a college in Florida.

The funding service is set to be a national movement with the hope that more students will benefit from the change.

Henderson said, “We’re going to bug you to death [about succeeding] because we care.”