PASS Center Marks International Women’s Day

Photo by: Tamika Rey

Members of the FCC body rally to recognize International Women’s Day 2019 with a march from the PASS Center to the Free Speech area Thursday, March 7, 2019.

PASS center coordinator, Jennifer Dorian, would not allow the Fresno City College community to forget the significance of the International Women’s Day or the importance of women in society.

Staff and students from the PASS center marched from the east side of the library to the free speech area on campus in recognition of the 2019 International Women’s Day on March 8.

“Today is important because it’s a way of saying we aren’t where we need to be yet,” Dorian said. “So let’s keep making change.”

Marchers carried handmade signs; one participant held bright pink and yellow paper flower; many sported bracelets which they received beforehand.

“My body my safety,” chanted the marchers, waving signs that read, “Stop trafficking women,” and “Stop the violence against women.”

“We need to remember the women who are beaten, who are abused physically, sexually, and emotionally,” Dorian called out to onlookers from the grass at the free speech area.

“International Women’s Day is just one day out of the year but we invite you and remind you to respect women 365 days a year,” Dorian said. “Today’s march was in recognition of International Women’s Day, a day that allows us to pause and recognize the plight of women while giving us time to consider what part we can play in making the world (and our campus) a better place for women.”

She said the day was important because, “I don’t know a single woman who hasn’t encountered some hardship or mistreatment simply because of their gender.”

“For those working and attending here, FCC is a second home in many ways,” Dorian said to students who may wonder if the march mattered to them. “We can continue to make FCC a safe place for women, our bodies, our minds, and our leadership. The work always starts at home.”

According to, the campaign theme for 2019 is #BalanceforBetter, which is geared at highlighting that “a balanced world is a better world.,” and how to help forge a more gender-balanced world; celebrating women’s achievement; raising awareness against bias and taking action for equality.

“The biggest problem women face in society is the oppressive narrative about women,” Dorian said, adding that these narratives enforce negative behaviors against women and encourage them to believe they don’t deserve complete safety, freedom and respect.

In order to facilitate change, people have to get involved. “Start by talking about it and educating yourself and others. Thoughts and ideas inform actions,” Dorian said.

“As we change the narrative about women, we are also helping to reduce unconscious biases and practices on our campus and in our world,” Dorian said. “Changing the narrative helps individuals stop and ask themselves, ‘Am I truly honoring and respecting the women around me just as I want to be honored and respected?’”