Let it Grow for No-Shave November


Things are looking scruffy for people this month as the annual No-Shave November, held Nov. 1-30, campaign raises awareness for cancer.

The demonstration raises awareness of cancer, as patients undergoing radiation therapy tend to lose their hair.

The goal is to raise money by participants donating the money they would have used on razors and shaving cream to cancer research during the month of November.

FCC student Jeff Paul participates every November to support his mother during her cancer journey.

“I do it to show that changing your appearance doesn’t change who you are,” says Paul.

No-Shave November has helped raise more than $1.8 million in the fight against cancer within nine years.

The money is split evenly to the Fight Colorectal Cancer, St. Jude’s Research Hospital, and Prevent Cancer Foundation.

“Our goal is to keep raising money for cancer prevention, education, and research,” No-Shave November website states.

The rules of No-Shave November are simple: don’t shave until the end of November and donate your monthly hair maintenance expenses to the cause. You can set up your own donation page or donate directly on their website. If you aren’t allowed to grow your hair out because of work or school dress code- grooming and trimming are accepted.

It is estimated that 90% of all adult males shave at least once a day. It is also estimated that a man will shave at least 20,000 times in his lifetime.

The web based, non-profit organization started in 2009 by members of the Chicagoland Hill family after losing their father to colon cancer two years prior.

Student Alexandra Garcia notes that she spends 20-30 dollars a month on shaving products alone.

“I don’t shave to save money, so I usually donate that money during November. I feel like it’s a great cause,” Garcia says.

Another popular trend for November is Movember.where participants are encouraged to grow a moustache.

The Movember Foundation helps to generate awareness for testicular cancer along with mental health and suicide prevention. They also encourage people to move by running or walking 60 miles over the month. According to the website, “That’s 60 miles for the 60 men we lose to suicide each hour, every hour across the world.”

According to the organization, prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer among men in the United States. The organization says one in 20 men diagnosed with testicular cancer will not survive.

For more information, visit to no-shave.org.