The Results: The California Primary is Decided and Matches Are Set For The November Election

Kevin Cookingham will face Jim Costa, Devin Nunes will face Phil Arballo and Jerry Dyer will be Fresno;s next mayor.

Photo by: Courtesy of the Campaign

Kevin Cookingham will face Jim Costa, Devin Nunes will face Phil Arballo and Jerry Dyer will be Fresno;s next mayor.

Super-Tuesday came and went and so did a lot of candidates. 

The California Primary Election determines which presidential candidate receieves California’s sizeable delegate count. The General Election is held on Nov. 6. 

On a local level, Republican Kevin Cookingham will challenge incumbent Jim Costa for his 16th District seat in November. 

Incumbent Republican Devin Nunes will face Democratic challenger Phil Arballo for the 22nd District seat. 

The congressional challengers will have an opportunity to beat out the incumbent in the General Election.

Jerry Deyer won his bid for the mayoral seat by such a high margin that there will be no run-off election in November. 

Votes are still being counted.

Photo by: Tommy Tribble


Presidential Nominees:

Republican: Donald Trump (92.6%)

Democrat: Bernie Sanders (33.6%)


16th Congressional District:

Republican: Kevin Cookinghan (38.5%)

Democrat: Jim Costa (37.5%)

Democrat: Esmerelda Soria (18.4%)


22nd Congressional DIstrict:

Republican: Devin Nunes (59.4%)

Democrat: Phil Arballo (23.5%)

Democrat: Bobby Bliatout (11.5%)


Fresno Office of Mayor:

Jerry Dyer (54.48%)

Andrew Janz (36.15%)