FCC Campus Closed After Student May Have Come into Contact with COVID-19 Carrier

Fresno City College announced on March 16 that they will be closing down the campus after a student was exposed to the novel coronavirus.

The student recently traveled to Monterey Bay for athletic purposes, exposing himself to COVID-19, according to the Public Information Office at FCC.

There has been no confirmation as to whether or not that student has been tested for the respiratory illness.

So far, Fresno County has only reported two confirmed cases of the coronavirus.

The Fresno Department of Public health has recommended self-isolation for the student while awaiting tests.

The college decided to shut down the campus as a means of precaution for one week, starting on March 16. 

FCC has not released the identity of the student, only confirming that they have been exposed to the virus.


This is a developing story. The Rampage will continue to update the story as more information is obtained.

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