FCC’s Mindfulness Outreach Series Provides Students with Mental Health Resources

Photo by: Valorie Lo
Psychology interns Jamareea Lewis and Natalia Velasquez at the Psychological Services table sharing mindfulness. outreach on campus.
Fresno City College’s Psychological Services is currently offering a Mindfulness Outreach Series that provides helpful resources for students and faculty to promote mindfulness.
Mindfulness is connecting with your inner self in the moment to help relaxation, as described by the event coordinators Natalia Velasquez and Jamareea Lewis.
The outreach series aspires to help provide interactive resources for mindfulness in order to help reduce depression, stress and anxiety while also boosting relaxation, self-care and self-compassion.
The Mindfulness Outreach Series is hosted by Velasquez and Lewis who are both psychological interns for the FCC’s Psychological Services office.
During the events the coordinators guide students through various mindfulness activities and also provide “mindfulness goodie bags” in which students are encouraged to choose items that help with relaxation based on their five senses.
The activities include mindful eating, walking, and breathing exercises while the “goodie bags” can include incense, glitter water bottles, noise makers, candy, clay and more.
The Mindfulness Outreach Series takes place every second Thursday of the month at the Free Speech Area from 3-4 p.m., although during the month of April the event will be held on April 21, due to Spring Break.
All students and staff are encouraged to join in person but if needed, the outreach series also is extended online in a “Mindfulness Live” on Instagram at @SCCCDPsychServ every fourth Thursday of the month.
Lewis and Velasquez both are hopeful that students and staff will participate in this event and use the resources given in their daily lives.

Valorie Lo is a 22-year-old raised in Fresno, California. The Fresno High alumni is currently a journalism major and planning to transfer to California...