Extreme Heat Throughout Valley Forces Parking Structure Delay

Photo by: Felipe Medina
Top Floor of FCC’s New Parking Structure
Delays to the new parking structure at Fresno City College were caused by extreme heat throughout the Valley according to the college’s public information officer.
The new parking structure on Cambridge Avenue just west of Blackstone will not open until sometime this November, according to FCC Public Information Officer Kathy Bonilla.
Bonilla said the parking structure was set to open at the beginning of this semester but other outside companies like PG&E have yet to set finishing touches.
PG&E have not been able to finish their part of construction due to strain on the Valley’s energy grid caused by record temperatures and fires this summer.

The parking structure will be capable of housing 40 electric vehicle chargers but they will not be installed due to lack of demand, District Director of Construction Services Shannon Robertson said. However, they would be free for staff and students if introduced in the future.
The parking structure has been more than six years in the making. The project launched in June 2016 when FCC received $21 million from the Measure C bond to construct the five-level parking lot.
Free parking will also extend to the new parking structure for the 2022-23 academic school year.
Abigail Mason, a psychology major with morning classes, said they are excited about not having to wake up early to be able to find parking.
“I have to be here 30 minutes earlier but takes me like 10 to 15 minutes to find parking if I’m lucky,“ Mason said.
Bonilla said that FCC is aware of the importance of more parking, for both students and staff, and is excited that it is almost here.
“We are very happy we are able to provide this for our students and hope this helps alleviate some of the stress that students have trying to find parking,” Bonilla said.

Felipe De Jesus Medina Jimenez is a 19-year-old who is born and raised in Fresno California currently majoring in journalism at Fresno City College.