There are three types of people in a college classroom: The rude students, the quiet students, and the class clowns. Which one are you?
There are many more, but we will just use these three examples for the time being. Based on the classrooms I have been enrolled in these are the polls of the classes at Fresno City College school.
The Rude Students:
The population in a class is 5 percent. The rude students always distract other pupils and teacher. The rude students say everything that pops in their heads, and they only pay attention to what they want to hear. I see no reason why they even bother to come to class in the first place if they are not willing to pay attention in class and learn the material. For the rude students, the time seems to go by slower, and their patience is thin.
On average, their grades are not above average. I have never encountered such an attitude in a class setting until I have come to FCC. Sometimes I will listen to these inconsiderate people and wonder, “They must not be scared of what their parents might say.” A classroom would benefit without them.
The Quiet Students:
The population in a class is 80 percent. Other students barely notices the quiet students because they do not ask questions, or speak out during a class discussion.
The quiet ones always seem to be upset for some reason and they never say much unless you speak to them, or if the teacher chooses them to answer a question. On average, their grades are ridiculously high.
Back in high school, whenever I sat next to a quiet student I would exchange words with them and most of the time I would help them open up and become more active in class.
Most of them were girls I would try to flirt with, and guys I would try to befriend. In return, they would help me with my homework. Without them, I would not be in college. I have to say that a class needs them – At least I do.
The Class Clowns:
The population in a class is 15 percent. The class needs a little humor every now and then. The class clowns are my favorite variety of students. Like me, these students always have other students laughing from their silly jokes.
Their are few of these students I know that made fun of me. Instead of P.J., they would purposefully call me B.J., but I was never their only victim.
Sometimes I would envy them because the class loved those people. Even the teacher thought they were funny. Other teachers would not find their jokes funny, and would become angry with them.
On average, their grades are surprising. They are a lot smarter than one would think. Without them the class would be boring.
I was a class clown sometimes, but people said I was only funny when I was mad or if something embarrassing happened to me. I was more of the goofy student. Whenever I am single, I tell girls the world’s worst jokes just so they will remember me. For the guys I would laugh at just about anything stupid that they said, but whenever I laughed, I kept laughing to show them that I thought they were humorous. I would be the only one laughing too.
On average my grades were straight C’s, and not to sound cocky, but in my yearbook, I found out that a many of people said that the class was really fun with me in it. So I guess the classes that I have now cannot go without me because I bring humor and life into the classroom.