When I first heard about those so-called Christian’ s findings about the date of Judgment day, also known as the Rapture, I immediately knew it was just as fake as the meat at Taco Bell.
If you read the bible, Matthew 24:36 says, ” No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” After reading that verse, does that clear things up a little? Because if it’ s like as if they didn’ t even acknowledge
that verse. NO person knows the time. So who are these people? Aliens? The verse also says that Jesus doesn’ t know himself. Only God knows and if God won’ t even tell Jesus, then what makes them think he’ll tell them or anybody else on this planet?
Think about it, why would God tell us or leave hints in the bible for people to find out the exact day of Judgment Day so people could party and do a bunch of bad things all up until May 19th, then get Saved at the last minute on May 20th?
I’ m not saying the Rapture isn’ t coming because the Rapture IS coming. But I seriously doubt it’ ll happen on May 21st. There’ s really nothing to worry about cause the world could end sooner than that. Hopefully it’ ll end much later than that because I got
things I need to do before I go, like getting married, sight-seeing, having kids, and make a crap-load of money doing something I love doing. But hey, whatever happens, happens. I’ m just keeping my faith strong so it will happen.
But these people really need to stop proclaiming that they know when God said NOBODY but him knows. They’ re going to piss God off along with a bunch of people who’ s terrified about that date coming. They’ re making Christians look bad because I’ m
a Christian myself. Just watch, as soon as it turns May 22nd, a lot of people is going to be mad and probably send an angry mob towards that group too.
Don’ t get me wrong, the Rapture is coming soon enough. Judgment Day will happen. Nearly the whole chapter of Matthew 24 talks about the hints of Jesus’ return. Rumors or wars, earthquakes, false prophets, (Jesus-wannabe’ s) and stuff would be
signs of the last days. And that’ s been happening a lot lately. So as much as I don’ t like it myself, the Rapture is soon to come. I’ m just worried about some of my friends and people who I love/care about possibly not going to Heaven because I don’ t want them to
go to Hell. The majority of the reason why I’ m Christian is because I DON’ T WANT TO GO TO HELL!!! Nor do I want my family and friends going there either. I don’ t know why people keep going around saying that Hell is going to be more fun than Heaven.
You got to realize, Heaven and Hell is some real stuff. For most of you, you think this is Hell? Please, you haven’ t seen anything. You think it’ s hot in Fresno? Try lying on a blacktop with 3 shirts on (Make sure the top shirt is black) and the baggiest pair
of black pants you can find, replace your suntan-lotion with cooking oil and put some ALL over your body even in your pants too, during the summer time when it’ s over 100 degrees outside eating Hot Cheetos, with a 3 year old baby saying your name repeatedly
(scientists had discovered that when people repeat your name constantly, it’ ll raise your body temperature) all at the same time. You think that’ s hot? Well Hell is a bazillion times hotter.
Don’ t be alarm by this day and don’ t start freaking out when May 19 and May 20 comes. Like I said, it can happen sooner than May 21st, or much later than that date.
Life is too short to be wondering and worried about rumors that people spread around and because life is too short, we shouldn’ t shorten it, but live as long and do as much as you can without ANYTHING but God getting in your way, and as long as it’ s nothing major like killing somebody then God won’ t get in your way. But in the end, on Judgment Day, we’ll all be judged on how we live our lives. It’ s like getting a grade, but only this time, you can only get an ” A” or an ” F” . ” A” for eternity in Heaven, and an ” F” for eternity in Hell.
God is giving you a choice so you can do whatever the heck you want. (Just don’t piss him off) But depending on how you lived it, will determine where you’ re going to before the next infinity years. But just keep in mind that after you die, when you look back, would you be satisfied with yourself? So, go. Live your life and have fun. (The good fun. Not the bad fun) See you all after May 21st, and next semester! God bless!!