Is administration doing everything they can to keep the campus safe?
Isn’t it a priority of those leading an institution to put education and the safety of students first?
If there is ever a time at which the administration, or any of those in charge have information that they feel, if it got out to the general public, would cause an unrest. Then the information should get out to everyone because they feel that they should be worried about whatever has happened.
Those who are roaming this campus are all adults, trusted with the idea of paying for our education, but not with the ability to react to a threat, whether real or perceived.
Also why is it optional to receive emergency information? The schools within the State Center Community College District are set up with the email address. And all other information goes to these accounts, including overdue business accounts, financial aid updates and registration changes but if you want the information about a campus emergency then you have to ask for it and sign up.
Whether the Twitter account or the 1st2know emergency alert system is used, administrators across the district need to consider a more comprehensive strategy to ensure that every student on campus has access to information that may affect their safety in any way.
Decision makers across the district need to change not only the way, but the amount of information that is given out to the students in potential situations of danger, and it needs to become a priority soon.