Albert Einstein the famous American-German Physicist, once said, “Given the millions of billions of Earth-like planets, life elsewhere in the Universe without a doubt, does exist. In the vastness of the Universe, we are not alone.”
If life can exist on earth, there is possible evidence that we will find some form of intelligence on other planets.
No matter who or where you are, if you ever look up at the night sky on a clear evening, you sense that other presence and have many questions.
Who am I? Who are we? Why are there so many stars in the sky? Are there stars with worlds like our own? The questions seem to be endless if you really think about it.
In these modern times, many people believe day human beings will go to faraway worlds and discover new lands on other planets. Now, we see that humanity’s future is in the heavens in space.
It sounds like a journey into the Death Star like in the Star Wars sagas or an adventure in the Lost in Space just to name a few.
The question has been in everybodys mind since the dawn of civilization over thousands of years ago . Every ancient culture from the around the world had some form of belief that their gods and goddesses came from the heavens and to help our early ancestors developed. The Maya codices, Norse sagas, and even the early Biblical writings explain that of other life forms in different worlds have exist in the remote past.
According to the new survey, 50 percent of Americans think that there is some form of life on other planets, while only 17 percent think there’s none with another 33 percent saying they aren’t sure.
Today, scientists are discovering new galaxies all throughout the universe with many forms of earth-like stars. If you really look at all the evidence written by thousands of scholars, it’s only a matter of time. We will find some form life on other planets in our lifetime.
Just recently, NASA Curiosity rover suggests that microbial life could have survived on Mars in the distant past, when the Red Planet was a warmer and wetter place. Evidence shows Mars did have life over millions years before ago.
With so many stars up upon the heavens, it’s a hard to say that there is no one out there or that we are the only ones in the universe. It is impossible to say that with so much in our night sky that there is no one out there.
Most people have already accepted what we have learned in the ancient text of our early ancestors, that thousands of years ago, there was visitation from outside forces. One only has to look at pyramids from all around world.
It kind of blows the mind if you really think about. Some day in the near future, scientists will find some extraterrestrial life in our solar-system. The likely area of life might be on the moons of Jupiter. Europa, the fourth largest, has a shell of water ice, parts of which could be liquid, showing some form of biologic life underneath its crust. It has given hope to those who believe there is some form of life on other worlds beyond our own.
It has always been humanity’s dream to fly into the heavens to find new places to explore and go to the great unknown. It is the human race that we will find our true origins in the cross galaxy.
Some say it is impossible that is life could exist on other worlds. In today’s world with all that is possible because of our advancement, why does the concept of life on other planets seem so taboo?
All one has to do is look at the stars and wonder, with some many stars up in sky is, how can there not be other lives out there? Sound a bit insane? You might be surprised by the answer.