According to BuzzFeed news, “the notion that Jeb Bush is going to be the Republican presidential nominee is a fantasy nourished by the people who used to run the Republican Party.”
This is the attitude of most Americans toward the government and we Americans are sick and tired of the many empty promises of each U.S. president.
My fellow Americans, we are a country of free people who are educated enough to see who has what it takes to be a leader and who is just a trickster. The word “leader” refers to a person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country. It has to be someone of courage, heart and honor.
A trickster, on the other hand, is a person who cheats or deceives people. He is a liar, and a destroyer of worlds and can’t be trusted. For far too long, Americans have seen many years of wars and corruption within the government and have had to live with the many lies of our politicians and empty promises.
If America wants to see real change then we should not vote for a Republican or a Democrat. We need a new party system that can actually help real Americans, not the other two parties that only care for themselves. If there are new choices, then I’ll be the first in line.
2016 will be another election year with many candidates trying to win the trust of the American people. One in particular is a Republican candidate who carries the familiar Bush name. Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida and brother of former president George W. Bush and son of former president George H.W. Bush will make the 2016 ballot.
If Jeb Bush wins the Republican primaries, he won’t necessarily be the most popular choice for most Americans, but he can still get elected. We can even see now that he will be a terrible choice for president.
America doesn’t need another four or eight years of the same family that does not care for the troubles of others. With all due respect, America doesn’t really need another wealthy Republican who only acquired his/her money from family. America has gone mad. The word “change” in American culture has completely gone out the door.
There’s no doubt that Bush could raise a lot of money, but other than that, there is very little argument for his presidential campaign. He hasn’t forsworn anything his brother did in office, and as far as we know, he doesn’t disagree with his brother on any foremost issues.
Even if he does become the Republican presidential candidate, he will be the worst choice overall. Does America even want another Bush in the White House, given the fact that the last Bush had the lowest approval ratings in U.S. history? Not to mention he caused the longest and the most unpopular wars in American history.
Coming from a wealthy family with all the resources in the world does not make the person a leader or presidential. Has our great nation fallen on the wrong path? Is there any hope that the next president will be any different?
Think about the message we’ll be sending to the world if Jeb Bush is president. Will he be different from the other presidents?
If Jeb Bush becomes president, America will enter into a new political dark-age with the same old lies, same old politics, and the many lost forgotten dreams of a true America will remain forever buried in the sands of time.