The Blind Leading The Blind: Dating Advice in 2016
Photo by: Bobby Brown
I’m here to be honest with you. I’m not going to fluff this up. Dating is the worst. I could think of hundreds of things I would rather do than to get to know someone only for it to go nowhere. Thank you for the experience, but what about my precious time? That is something I can not get back so I’ll be taking a loss. I don’t get along well with losing.
I’m the type of person who believes the ultimate tool in dating is waiting til you find someone who is going to be worth it to you. Relationships take a lot of work. You’re practically building Rome.
Dating requires you to consider someone else’s feelings constantly. It’s so much better if you wait till you come across someone you’re willing to put the work in for.
If you’re not at the point in your life where you are able to adamantly care for a relationship then it’s not time for you to be in one. There is hardly anything more self deprecating than being “half-in” a relationship. It’s not only unfair to yourself, but it’s completely unfair to your partner.
On the other hand, if you are completely ready and eager to be in a relationship, your best friend potentially could be patience. Love happens at first sight but not as often as we all hope.
Unfortunately most of the time, it takes time to find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Then even more time to find out if they want the same thing. I’ve learned recently that in any kind of relationship, there will be someone who loves the other more. That’s just the way it works out. If you can come to accept that than you’ll have an easier time dating.
Maybe you’re into horoscopes, maybe you’re not. However, if you are, sticking with your most compatible will work in your favor. It’s written in the stars. I know people think astrology is all bull, but it can really help when it comes to dating. It’s almost like a permanent guide. Again, it’s only if you’re into it.
What it is you’re looking for exactly is really going to determine where you should be looking. If you’re into casual dating, kind of just going through people hoping you crash into “the one”, your best bet is to stick to the bar and club scene. Even though you could potentially run into your future significant other there, majority of the time you’ll find a two-week “boo”.
Casual dating really is fun too! You get to experience different types of people and you start figuring out what you do and do not want from someone. After a while though, the casual dating scene becomes redundant. You run into the same people. You get the same empty, shallow and pretentious routines.
Anything worth keeping is going to be hard to obtain, that’s why dating comes with so many obstacles. Most of the time what you want isn’t going to be handed to you. It takes a lot of learning to get what you want out of dating. It takes a lot of uncomfortable experiences, awkward encounters and regret. Just keep your chin up and take everything with a grain of salt.
Dating is tough, it does add stress to your life. Although I wouldn’t deny it of its helpfulness. I wouldn’t deny it of its inspiration either. Dating will help you become the person you were meant to be for the person you want to be with.
Whatever you do, don’t try to be something you aren’t. Always stay true to who you are. I know that sounds cheesy! It gets really difficult upkeeping two different personalities while trying to make a relationship grow. It should be a priority to you to be able to be yourself with someone.
Even though my connotation of dating is negative, I’m still open to it. I still want to date and I’m still interested in meeting people. I refuse to give up on love. I feel like such a square writing all these corny things but I truly do believe in what I’m saying. I truly believe that there is someone out there for everyone.