Photo by: Larry Valenzuela
Students discuss returning to campus after break, on Monday Jan. 25, 2016.
Remember your high school days when your student government or administration arranged “spirit” week or “spirit” days?
How we wish for those spirit days now. We could certainly use spirit days here at Fresno City College.
We have no school spirit here, and it is getting worse. Over the course of the last semesters, we have seen the spirit of FCC diminish in several ways.
We see great events taking place in a largely empty auditorium. We are not coming out to support other students involved in the activities. We are not taking advantage of being part of this great campus.
It might be that students are focusing on those difficult math classes or that biology class they are struggling in or the load of essays in your English classes.
But wouldn’t it be nice to be part of a campus that promotes student involvement in extracurricular activities?
Wouldn’t it be better if students themselves were at the center of this involvement in campus events?
The fact is that we already do study at such a campus, however, students are not willing to put enough time into college activities.
Many times each semester, the college activities office organizes club rushes on campus to provide students opportunities to join new clubs and meet others with similar interests.
Sadly, many club meetings feature a few enthusiastic students with much information to share but largely empty meeting rooms.
Students are not attending scheduled meetings of clubs they sign up for. This is troubling.
Clubs obtain signatures from people who often never ever set foot at their meeting. The clubs get these signatures just to meet a quota and stay eligible to continue as a recognized club on campus.
The Students Without Borders club, a club that provides a space for undocumented students, report that no one showed up at a recently scheduled meeting.
The Art Club has seen its own share of disappointments even though a good number of students showed interest during the club rush. The page-full of signatures yielded very few in real attendance at their first post club rush meeting.
Rampage sports writers also report that they have seen a decrease in the boisterousness at sporting events.
What a shame. Our sports teams give their all to win and bring glory to FCC and we can’t cheer them on? Or we do so reluctantly? As if our hearts are not in it?
That is not the college spirit that FCC should have. In fact, that is not spirit at all.
The Associated Student Government also saw the disinterest from students in both student government elections and participations in issues that should matter to them. Do we not care about our college? Do we not want to continue in the good work of those who came before us? Do we not care about the future? About those who will come to the great college in the future?
Our college is rich in diversity of race, ethnicity, age, experience and interests. Would it be wonderful if this variety is exhibited for a richer, more spirited community college.
What is stopping us? We can study and still manage a few hours being part of building a fun-filled environment to ensure that anyone who looks at our college would think to themselves, “I want to go there. I want to be part of that.”