Have we embraced greed? We should not fight a minimum wage increase
Photo by: http://bwog.com/
The fight for $15.
They say money can’t buy happiness, but when we don’t have money or have too little, we can hardly compete or provide for our families with what is required to, at the very least, make it in America.
Let’s not be quick to criticize the lifting of the minimum wage.
California legislators have moved forward to create a more certain future for workers in the state and have showed that lifting people out of poverty is possible.
The capitalist system that the United States operates on is no longer working for everyone.
The average American will realize that this system no longer provides for them what they desperately need, which is a living wage and a sense of worth and security.
Since the first introduction of the minimum wage in this country, we have come a long way.
Twenty-five cents was the minimum wage when the idea was first introduced in 1938 under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Now California is leading the way in realizing that maybe, just maybe, a hard-worker in its state is worthy of a raise every now and then, as, clearly, we have seen.
The state is realizing that its workers deserve to know that they will earn more for more work.
People in this country are working for longer hours and yet, wages remain unchanged.
For those who peddle the idea that we will end up paying more at the cash register if the minimum wage goes up, there is no need to continue pushing that idea — we know that.
It is no surprise that things have gotten increasingly more expensive throughout the years, but that is normal, there needs to be a balance and we must adapt.
But adapting to change does not mean that we must forget and leave behind the working poor and the middle class. They still need a helping hand every now and then.
While the rich continue to get richer, it is absurd that those of us who do not make a six figure salary are fighting over the fact that we need a raise.
People should not be voting against their own interest.
After all, who are we to settle for a “minimum” wage, while legislators themselves don’t do half the amount of work as the average American worker?
Have we been conditioned to embrace greed? Those of us not working minimum wage should realize that there is real suffering.
Families suffer when they don’t get a raise. When those families suffer, everyone suffers.
Simply ignoring the fact that millions go to bed hungry, not knowing if they will have enough for their rent or bills, will not make poverty go away.
We must tackle the problem, and raising the minimum wage does just that — it gives workers hope.
We should all be willing to pay more to live better. At the same time, we should all be paid more, to live better.
The fight for a living wage must continue.

Cresencio Rodriguez-Delgado has led the Rampage for four semesters as the Editor in Chief. Cresencio joined the Rampage on January 12, 2014 and has reported...