Mental Healthcare and Housing: Vote YES on Proposition Two

Photo by: Courtesy of: Twitter
I am in favor of Proposition Two in the upcoming California General Election, and here’s why you should be too.
Proposition Two is authorizing bonds to fund an existing housing program for individuals with mental illness.
I am voting YES on Prop Two because it will bring solutions to homelessness in California for those who struggle with fundamental rights to accessible health care.
This proposition hits close to home because I myself am always looking to bring awareness and put stigma behind the realities of the everyday struggles that come with being mentally ill.
Proposition Two will build 20,000 permanent supportive housing units under the “No Place Like Home” program. According to the California voters guide, “This will allow coordinated care of mental health, and substance use services, medical care, case managers, education, and job training to help people get the treatment and housing stability they need.”
The voters guide states that as of right now, currently 134,000 people are homeless because of untreated mental illness. No, I didn’t doze off on the zero button, you’re reading that right.
Not only are these numbers at an all time high, but the voters guide information also states that we oppose cruel and senseless funds giving $100 million to state bureaucrats who do not understand the struggles that come with severe mental illnesses.
And if you’re instantly thinking that you’re not looking to add more cost to your taxes. Listen up, because Proposition Two does NOT cost taxpayers a dime. Since 2004, the state has funding and preparing for housing to cover services that provide assistance for homeless people who are mentally ill. All that is needed in this Proposition is voters approval for the state of California to mandate funding for mental health services and treatment centers to be put into effect.
According to the voters guide, a study was done by the RAND corporation in 2018 showing the difference in approach of providing housing for homeless people in the Los Angeles Country after one year were the following: 3,500 homeless people were off the streets, 96 percent residents stayed in programs for at least a year, taxpayers saved more than $6.5 million in one year, and ER visits had a 70 percent decrease in emergency responder calls.
Another argument to look at is that these housings will create stronger partnerships between doctors, law enforcement, and homeless services who all struggle to find solutions for effective long term care for those in need of help.
As a college student who understands the struggles each month to afford basic access to mental health, I stand by any vote that will provide access to treatments and specializations that can improve anyone’s overall quality of life.
It feels like my duty not as a journalist, but as someone who empathizes with these struggles to defend my voice for change.
As someone who has seen the lives of my family members be taken because of the lack of mens health education and treatment opportunities in California, I urge you to see the importance in this Proposition.
If yourself or anyone you know struggle with mental illness, I ask that you take the time of your day to visit your local polling place on Tuesday, Nov. 6. and vote YES on Proposition Two.