Table Takes #04: The Thicc One
Photo by: Ram Reyes
In this jam packed episode of Table Takes, Tommy and Ram talk more Trump, more Elon, and the need for newsrooms to be very careful about their implications. Also, Ram talks the thiccness in Incredibles 2. No, really.
Tommy Tribble is the Editor-in-Chief of The Rampage, and you can find him on Twitter @tomiiwrites and Instagram @tommylikesit. Ram Reyes is the Art Director of The Rampage and can be found on Twitter and Instagram @_ramuel and on Medium @ramuelreyes.
Got any hot takes? Use #TableTakes and @FCCRampage and we might just respond on next week’s episode.
The intro theme song is “moon chillin” by epsilon not.

Tommy Tribble is the 25-year-old editor in chief of the Rampage, formerly the opinion editor. Tommy is an English major, a writer, an aspiring novelist,...

Ramuel Reyes is a 23-year-old, currently living in Fresno, California. He was born in Lucena City, Philippines. After living five years in the United Arab...