Table Takes #10: Spilling the Tea on Alex Jones, Sis

Photo by: Ram Reyes

Table Takes is back from a one-week hiatus with all the spiciest discourse on de-platformed right-wing provocateur and overall trash person Alex Jones, Dave Bautista going to bat for James Gunn, and Trump’s literal hot takes about wild fires. Plus, Ram gets into the science of time, the nature of science, and the time of science bros (hint: it’s over) and Tommy tells you how to #UseTheseBoys and #GetWhatYouWant. All that on more on your favorite podcast!

Tommy Tribble is the Editor-in-Chief of The Rampage, and you can find him on TwitterInstagram, and Medium @tomiiwrites and Ram Reyes is the Art Director of The Rampage and can be found on Twitter and Instagram @_ramuel and on Medium @ramuelreyes.

Got any hot takes? Use #TableTakes on twitter or email us at [email protected] and they might just be featured on next week’s episode!

The intro theme song is “moon chillin” by epsilon not.