Student Services Offers Volleyball at Downtime

March 22, 2017

Spikes, serves and match point are in store for any students looking for a little down time on Fridays. The Fresno City College student activities office offers students a way to take their mind from a stress-filled semester by partaking in volleyball.

Student activities offers volleyball for every student  on Friday’s from noon to 2 p.m. in the free speech area.

The event has been around in since the 2016 fall semester, but wasn’t implemented weekly until this semester. This weekly event started an intramural  program that matched up to coincide with the   Ram Pantry from noon to 2pm every Friday. Student Activities chose this  program as a way of promoting connections with people that wouldn’t otherwise interact, fun and a way to take their minds off the stress that came with the semester.

Event coordinator Elizabeth Flores has been getting positive feedback from students who participate in these activities, with 15-20  students participating in the event every week. The event is growing now with two volleyball court set ups for students to participate.

“The feedback that we have been getting from our students has been better than we anticipated,” said Flores. “Students come early to help us setup and are getting the word out to other students, bringing more and more students to this event.”

With the success of the volleyball program, Elizabeth Flores is confident that it will continue past the spring semester. She said there is a possibility of implementing other sports into the program.

“We are always looking for new ways to add to the program. We just have to see which one is the right one to bring in and have the grants to cover them,” said Flores. “As long as we have the support from the college and the students aides have the support and funds to run these events we will continue for as long as we can.”   

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