The 2024-2025 baseball season is here and the Rams are ready to give it their all. As of Feb. 5 The Rams’ record is 2-2, the team has a long way to go this season but The Rams hold a strong position for the future. The team reflects on the highs and lows of last season with a focused ambition to excel together on and off the field.
Head Coach Mitchell Karraker recognizes the passion and camaraderie amongst his players and wants to see it till the end with them.
“We return a lot of really quality players. And I think just the experience of being in the playoffs and going through a full season has been good for our guys. Going through the fall and the spring, there’s a little bit of a chip on their shoulder, they have some unfinished business,” Karraker said.

In the face of loss and setback the Rams use that as an opportunity to improve.
“Well to us, failure is feedback, failure is good. We try to push failure in practice so they understand, ‘Hey, this is what you’re going to face in a game.’ How do you deal with adversity which is so prevalent in our sport,” Karraker said.
Pitcher Warren Vercher highlights how motivating loss can be, and how Karraker motivates the team.
“It’s not fun to lose under coach Karaker’s watch. It’s his presence on the field. We don’t lose as much, so winning is a big part, and he lets us know that big time,” Vecher said.
Catcher Bo Rico reflects on the strengths of Karraker’s coaching philosophy, showing how this philosophy improves the team.

“He wants everyone to put in the work, and he wants everyone to do the right thing, so we could come together as a team on game days and just do what we do,” Rico said.
Shortstop JP Acosta is ready to work and bond with the team, moving forward from last season with hopes on what the Rams can accomplish together.
“I think one thing that needs to improve is just the bondage of the team, making sure everyone sticks together and works in a cohesive unit. Making sure we’re all pulling on the same end and making sure we’re all looking for the same end goal,” Acosta said.