Mariah Garcia, Reporter
Mariah Garcia was born on November 16, 1996 in Fresno, CA. Mariah is majoring in Journalism at Fresno City College, with the goal to transfer to California State University Fresno. With her degree, she plans to work in the media writing for the local newspaper, or broadcast on local television and radio shows. In her spare time, she enjoys singing and often shares her voice on the internet.
Experience that Mariah has that is relevant to her goals is that she has filmed, edited and uploaded videos to put on the popular video website, YouTube. Doing so, she has gained the confidence to be in front of the camera, as well as take part in the behind the scenes action. She focuses on what appeals to her audience and puts her all into what she does.
One of her guilty pleasures in media is reading what the latest scoop is in pop culture. If you ever need help keeping up with the Kardashian’s, she is your girl. She is highly active on popular social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest and is always up to date on what the latest trends are. Mariah also has a passion for music and is there if you are ever on the lookout to add new songs to your playlists. She is always on the hunt for new artists and albums to listen to, and she loves to attend concerts.
This is her first semester writing for The Rampage and she looks forward to sharing her work.