Each year, the world’s temperature is increasing by record numbers. Global warming, which is the warming of the earth’s average ground and atmospheric temperatures, has caused much to talk about and has created devastating disasters.
The Greenhouse Effect
But what exactly causes global warming? To answer that question we must first define what components create the warming as a whole. Truth is, simple things contribute to the warming of the earth such as wasting energy, polluting the air while driving, deforestation, burning natural gas and oil, and even population growth.
These all contribute to the greenhouse effect, which traps these gases in the earth’s atmosphere and warms the earth. Although the greenhouse effect is necessary for the survival of our ecosystem, the manner in which we are accelerating the process is warming the earth much too fast.
What happens is that natural and other gases that are produced both by the earth and by man are trapped in the outer layer of the atmosphere. At low levels, the earth can let these gases free slowly and effectively keep the temperature at a normal rate.
At high levels, however, the earth is still infused with gases, but because it cannot let such go at a high rate, these are still trapped in the atmosphere, making the temperature rise at distorted levels. In the past century, the earth’s temperature has increased by one degree Fahrenheit. It is here when we have problems as ecosystems in the earth must adapt to these changes in climate.
Energy is another major contributor to global warming. In the United States, most of our energy is received from burning fossil fuels, oil and coal.
These resources, however, are diminishing in size and create carbon dioxide which then gets trapped in the atmosphere. Energy used can include driving your automobile, powering your phone to even warming water in the mornings. There are other healthier alternatives to burning hazardous gases, which include solar, wind and even ocean power to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and create reusable energy at the same time.
There are many factors that contribute to global warming, but some stand above the rest. Pollutants come in many shapes and sizes and can be the simplest of things. Driving a car is probably the number one pollutant, as cars let off fumes and gases that produce carbon dioxide. Other things like deforestation create fewer trees, which let in the carbon dioxide and substitute it with oxygen.
As more trees are cut, more carbon dioxide is left untouched, which in turn adds to the greenhouse effect.
Littering also adds to the problem as certain items take years to deteriorate and can pollute the soil and water supply of the earth. By simply recycling, using less energy and switching to hybrid automobiles we could reduce earth’s toxic gas output.
Consequences of Global Warming:
Global warming, like mentioned before, can add to devastating scenarios. Because of the change in climate, the world can experience a drastic change in weather. For example, in hurricane areas such as Miami, storms can become more violent as hurricanes, which are fueled with warm water, have more power due to the even warmer oceans. Here in Fresno, we experience very hot summers due to the rapid evaporation of water.
This warmer atmosphere also creates bigger issues in the arctic zones, as glaciers and ice caps melt by the second. This raises sea levels, which can then create flooding and thus add to the out of control storms.
The changes in climate then create larger problems; as ecosystems adapt so must the creatures that survive within them. Animals become extinct due to the changes in climate and deforestation because they cannot adapt to the harsh changes in weather. Some animals are already diminishing in size, such as the Polar Bear and other rare species that call the arctic home.
In the ocean ecosystems, sea life is also becoming extinct as the wildlife is not used to the warmer climate in the waters, and must adapt to them in a rapid manner.
With these drastic changes in weather we not only see a change in our wildlife, but also in our pockets.
If the earth continues to rise in temperature, those areas that need colder weather will receive warmer weather, and those that need warmer weather will receive colder weather.
In Fresno, this could result in a lack of water for our crops, and with the central valley being one of the major leaders in produce, a lack of water could drastically affect our economy. Without crops, many people would be out of jobs and we would have to search for such necessities elsewhere.
Global warming is accelerating into bigger problems for all mankind.
If we would all take small steps towards becoming more aware of the situation around us, we could definitely reduce the consequences that global warming could bring to all living things on Earth.
Global Warming: Cause and Effect
Story By: Ivette Lopez
March 25, 2008
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