It would be easy for me to sit here and spout a whole bunch of scientific babble about why I think global warming is in fact a real problem that the world needs to address, just like it would be all too easy for those opposed to the idea of global warming to spout a whole bunch of “facts” to prove that global warming is nothing more than a myth perpetuated by…well, pretty much everyone else besides them.
While those tactics may have sufficed before in this debate, it isn’t that simple anymore.
Classroom discussions and debates grow everyday. And with no concrete evidence on either side of the scientific spectrum to provide the “yes or no” answer we all want to hear, we are forced to take global warming out of it’s scientific element and place it squarely in the murky waters of ethics, morals, and personal choice.
This is where this whole issue gets harder to wade through.
Sure, it would be great if this debate wasn’t a personal one. It would be great if people could sit down like civilized men and women and discuss the issue openly. But, the real inconvenient truth of the matter is that it’s become personal.
Those who oppose global warming are pegged as greedy environment haters who want to let the earth waste away, and those who believe global warming is real are labeled as tree hugging hippies who want to rid the earth of all conservatives. Both are grossly over dramatized and only help to perpetuate the “us versus them” attitude associated with this issue.
Scientists themselves have not escaped the mudslinging, but both sides of the issue have had their share of bashing done unto them.
In the early 80’s, it was the scientists who spoke out for global warming that were threatened with bodily harm and made to resign from their posts. As of recently, the roles have switched thanks to global warming becoming “popular”. Now, the scientists who are against the notion of global warming are being attacked.
None of this is right, and none of it makes any side look better than the other.
For all the bickering and fighting, it all boils down to the fact that no one wants to be held responsible for global warming. No one wants to say “yeah, I contribute and I’m ready to fix it.” To admit global warming is real is to admit that the life we all live is hurting the planet…and in that light, Al Gore might have a point.
Now, most people who oppose global warming are likely to say that I and those who would agree with me only stand behind global warming because of Al Gore and his film, but there mistaken.
I don’t understand how some people can let there dislike for Gore dissuade them from the notion the global warming might be real, as if that’s a valid reason. Most of us are not blind followers to Gore and his agenda. He is not our almighty “savior”.. I think what he did with his movie was great, but this whole thing is bigger than Al Gore.
In fact it’s bigger than everything.
We only get one Earth, only one home. It’s our job as inhabitants of the planet to make sure it’s a in good condition. It won’t happen overnight, and it’ll cost money. I know we all can’t afford Hybrid cars, but if we can afford to pay for a costly war after costly war we can surely afford to invest in the well being of our planet and out future. Because that’s really what its about.
Story By: Deshad Cato
March 24, 2008
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