On October 8, the academic senate met for its bi-weekly meeting. Below are some of the key issues discussed.
? Flu shots are available in the health building for $15. Only students and staff may receive these shots.
? A survey will be developed for staff and students to describe what services they would like to be provided on campus. Look for that in the future.
? A basic skills coordinator to act as an Early Alert counselor was discussed. This program now means that students having problems can be referred by their teacher to a counselor to help them focus on their specific needs. This will please students because instead of a letter being sent to their family about their failing grades, they will receive help from a councilor first.
? On October 25 the Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned. Nominations concluded October 10.
? Solar power is being looked into for development on campus. Currently the plan would be to allow a large company to purchase the equipment and set it up, then charge the school for electricity at a much lower rate.
? The Fresno City Associated Student Government (ASG) now has a website for event promotions and information. Visit www.myspace.com/fccasg