Social networks is the way people are communicating today if you ask anyone here at Fresno City College students most of them are involved in a social network according to Top Ten Review the top ten most used social networks are Facebook,Myspace,Bebo,Friendster,hi5,orkut,perfspot,yahoo 360,Zorpia,Netlog,
When I asked many of the students here at FCC what social network do they use
The common response would be either Myspace or Facebook like a student named Boon Rith Hem said “its great way to communicate with old friends I am a musician so Myspace is a great way to check out other musicians or band also you can check out a persons interest before you meet them” students who have social anxiety use myspace or facebook “myspace or any other social network is a great way for bashful people like myself” Vanessa Gomez who attends FCC also uses myspace “I use Myspace to keep in touch with friends and older friends who I normally don’t see and to meet new ones” Facebook and Myspace. Some students here at FCC have a different view on social networks a student who’s name didn’t want to be mentioned said “it’s just a waste of time for me I would rather meet someone in person or just call them
Social networks
Story By: Hector Ruelas
September 2, 2009
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