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The News Site of Fresno City College

The Rampage Online

    10 Tips to Acing All Your Classes

    It’s already the middle of the semester and finals week will be here before we know it. If you’re close to failing or have a poor grade in your class, there’s still hope! Raising your grade can be easy if you discipline yourself and work. Below are 10 tips to help you through these last two months.

    10. Go to class
    Too many absences or tardies can significantly affect your grade and, to most teachers, attendance is a must. Not showing up means missing out on lectures, pop quizzes, participation points, and gives your teacher the impression you don’t care.

    9. Concentrate on what’s being covered
    If problems such as hunger, fatigue, or other distractions are getting in the way while in class, fix the problem! Grab a snack before class, try to get enough sleep each night, and keep your cell phone turned off and put away. If other students are talking and interfering with class, don’t be afraid to ask them to be quiet so you can concentrate.

    8. Take notes
    Attend lectures faithfully and write down what was covered. Everyone is different and you’ll need to find a note taking structure that best suits your needs. If the teacher writes something on the board you should be writing it down as well. Record all examples, key terms, and important concepts your teacher mentions. Lastly, pay attention to the entire lecture and try not to zone out before the end of class when the teacher may give out important information.

    7. Be organized
    If you’ve lost your syllabus for the class, make sure you get another one. Most syllabi include the course schedule of exams, assignment due dates, what chapters are being covered for a given week, etc. It also may include exam policies, structure for papers, and how to contact your instructor if you need to miss class or simply have a question.

    6. Knowing how to read your text book efficiently is necessary
    Text books are essentially the bible for the class and simply skimming through it is an easy and effective way to cover the material. Throughout each chapter, read the title of the chapter, the introduction, and the subheadings to see what specific subjects are included. With each subject you need, read the first sentence of each paragraph to get the main idea, and the last paragraph of a section to find the conclusion of what was covered. Pay attention to bold or italicized terms as these are most likely key words or concepts.

    5. Don’t procrastinate
    When a homework assignment is given or project required, start working or researching as soon as possible! Make a plan for your work; know what materials you need and make sure you schedule the necessary time to complete the assignment. Working on your assignments a little bit each day will be easier and less stressful than trying to finish it the night before it’s due.

    4. Time management is a must
    Making a weekly or monthly schedule can help you in the long run. Make a due date calendar ahead of time so you know about upcoming exams, homework due dates, and what you need to have read or studied for a certain class meeting. Schedule your time accordingly so you have time to study or complete assignments before their given due dates.

    3. Gain good study habits
    A student should typically spend two hours studying for every one hour spent in class. Avoid “study marathons” where you plan to study nonstop all day or night; this will only wear you out. Study for 50-60 minutes at a time with at least a 30 minute break before starting up again. This gives your brain a chance to take in what you just learned and allows you to refresh your mind and eyes. If you have breaks between classes, use that time to skim through your text books or do homework.

    2. Prepare for tests ahead of time
    Make sure you have the necessary material such as scantrons, note paper, and pencils, before the start of class. Even if you have studied extensively, look through your study guide, notes, or text book before the exam to refresh what you already know. Read the test directions carefully. If some parts are harder than others, do the hard portions first and then finish the easy parts. Make sure you answer every question and if you finish early, use the extra time to check your answers.

    1. Talk to your teacher
    If you’re not doing as well as you think you could. Ask them how you could raise your grade and let them offer their advice, even if it may be critical.
    If you’re confused about a certain subject being covered in class, ask them to explain it to you one on one. There also may be extra credit opportunities you could take advantage of for some extra points.
    The structure for passing a class is simple-Go to class, do you homework, study, and you will pass the tests. Use these tips and you will finish off the year with a grade you can be proud of.

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