Directed by Jim Field Smith, romantic comedy “She’s Out Of My League” tells the story of Kirk (Jay Baruchel), an airport security average Joe who happens to find a phone belonging to a woman named Molly (Alice Eve). Because he goes through the trouble of returning it to her, Molly invites Kirk to a hockey game for his kindness. Kirk is under the impression she is trying to set him up with her friend and is astonished to find out that she is actually “into him.” As the movie unfolds, Kirk tries his best to keep the relationship with Molly going but faces some embarrassing and emotional problems.
With three friends with very different personalities, Kirk is lost on how to keep the relationship and maybe take it to the next level. Kirk’s friend, Devon, is a married, overweight guy who is intrigued by love and fantasy. Devon loves to give advice but is drowned out by Stainer, Kirk’s other airport friend. Stainer is very opinionated and has a unique outlook and uses a system that ranks people from one to ten based on their physical looks.
He argues that Molly is a “hard” ten, Kirk being a four, “arguably” a five, and that their relationship would never work. He told Kirk he would only be successful if he dated someone who was two points higher than him, and that Molly is definitely out of his league.
This romantic comedy lives up to its category. Jay Baruchel is a great actor. His role as a quirky guy who is awkward fits him perfectly. From his posture to his facial expressions he makes when he talks, they could not have found a better guy, having that dorky charm.
Everyone fit their characters well and seemed to live up to each character’s personality.
The music used consist of songs from current popular artists that fit into the story well, conveying the scenes perfectly. The film is full of drama, fun and insane moments making it a great time at the movies. If you are looking to score some points with your girl but don’t want to watch a “chick flick”, this is your movie. Take that special person to watch this movie and who knows, maybe you’ll be the next person dating someone “out of your league”.