We should always remember to give thanks for the blessings in our lives. That’s why Thanksgiving is a perfect opportunity to look at the year in, review and give thanks. (Notice “Thanksgiving” is “Giving Thanks” backwards. YA SMELL ME!?!?)
1. Be thankful that you didn’t get caught. You know what I’m talking about. Just be glad your parents don’t go to the same school as you.
2. Be thankful that you are alive. There are dead people out there wishing that they are still alive. Sadly, there are people wishing it was the other way around for them. Remember, if you’re alive, you have a chance to turn things around. Good thing your momma decided not to get an abortion. (Another reason why abortions are bad…)
3. Be Thankful you have something to eat. Don’t complain because your family cooks ham instead of turkey, or Jambalaya instead of Gumbo. Just be happy you got FREE food.
4. Single Girl. Be Thankful you are not pregnant. Having a kid out of wedlock is not cool.
5. Single Guys. Be thankful she didn’t get pregnant. You heard me the first time, didn’t you?
6. Be Thankful you can read this. Some people your age out there can’t read the sign, “NO SMOKING WITHIN 20 FEET OF THIS BUILDING!!” Or the signs on the bathroom. If I see one more girl in the men’s bathroom, I’m suing somebody.
7. Be thankful for your Family, except the in-laws, obnoxious relatives. What is with those guys? Seriously! Grow up cousins. In fact, just be thankful for muzzles when those younger cousins start screaming…
8. Be thankful that you can see. There are lots of beautiful people on this campus to feast your eyes on. (Especially Breanna Luna)
9. Be thankful for MySpace and Facebook. Trust me, World War III would’ve started if it were not for these websites. (Forget Twitter) Doggone birds…..
10. Be Thankful that you go to Fresno City College. It is best school in the whole world!!!