1. Coming up to a girl saying, ” Excuse me sir”
2. If you are considered a player here, please leave or STOP TAKING ALL THE GIRLS!
3. Wearing clothes from Fresno State.
4. Going to the cafeteria or café asking for a cheeseburger without the cheese.
5. Standing four feet away from a sign that says, ” Please smoke 20 feet away from this building
6. Going to the cafeteria screaming, “THE CAFÉ IS CHEAPER!!! DON’ T SPEND YOURMONEY HERE!!” Trust me; you will get jumped by the cooks inside…
7. Asking a teacher if they have an extra scantron on test day. They will get upset; it is your responsibility to come prepared.
8. Littering in front of the janitor.
9. Teachers, if class is going to be canceled PLEASE give your students a heads up on blackboard!!!
10. TEXT ENGLISH!!! WHAT THE HECK DOES THIS MEAN?!?! ” Sorrie Phillup. Um brke AF write niw. i wil pay u bck 2-marow, LMBO, <3 u!”