So hopefully, you’re in school, attending your classes, completing all the assigned work and hoping to pass. But I talked to a few friends who gave me the impression that some students may not even know when they are doing terribly in their classes. Are you one of those?
1. If your teacher glares at you as if he/she cannot recognize your face, even though this is the 10th week of class — you’ve stayed away from class too often and are failing.
2. If you turn in your test only 20 minutes into a two-hour exam — you have not been studying enough. You are going to fail.
3. If you are late to class back-to-back, and your teacher says nothing to you – he/she has already given up on you.
4. If you’re caught off guard by your teacher’s question and the only answer you can think of is Lil Wayne or Rihanna – you’re spending too much time daydreaming about them. You’re failing.
5. If you’re more focused on texting in class, it’s time to send this text to your friends: “IM GOIN 2 FAYELL MEH CLASSES!! =D”
6. If you’re ditching class just to hang out, you’re seriously going to fail.
7. If you’re completely lost during class discussions and your classmates seem to be speaking Greek, you have probably not been paying attention, and yes, you are going to fail.
8. If you fall asleep during class, you’ll wake up to an “F” on your forehead, and you’ll fail.
9. If nobody in your class wants to be in a study group with you or wants to be paired with you for a group project — they know you’re failing and want nothing to do with you.
10. If you just got all Ds and Fs in your mid-term grades, you’re obviously failing.