Spring is here, and summer and swim shorts season is around the corner. As you contemplate the summer pool parties, you need to get into shape — tighten your bulging tummies or put some mass on your noodle arms. It’s easy, but please try to do it the healthy way.
1. Exercise. (Obviously) Don’t stay inside the entire spring break. Go outside and walk somewhere or just go somewhere.
2. STOP TRYING TO EAT AROUND THE CLOCK! Just because you see food doesn’t mean you HAVE to eat it.
3. It wouldn’t hurt to eat fruits and vegetables every now and then.
4. Do you know you can gain 20 calories each time you curse? Want to lose weight? Stop cussing.
6. Stop eating fast food for a week or two, and you should see some weight loss.
7. Water or Gatorade, soda or crunchy Kool-Aid, watch your liquid intake too.
8. To tell the truth, it would not hurt to miss a meal. Don’t starve yourself, but skipping meals every once in a while might be useful. I have missed many meals in my life. When I was in high school, the only food I ate was Lunch.
9. If you save money, you will lose weight. Really. Put $50 in your wallet and keep it there for a week or two and watch your stomach shrink as the days pass.
10. It is a myth that smoking helps you lose weight. In fact, it makes you gain weight, and it can kill you too. If you are a smoker, stop it now.