Greene Takes Over as ASG President
February 7, 2017
The Associated Students Government at Fresno City College has a new leader.
Aaron Greene, former vice president of the organization, became the new leader when former president, Kou Xiong, resigned at the ASG meeting on Jan. 24 to further his career.
Xiong resigned so he could start work as a teacher’s aide at Webster Elementary in the Fresno Unified School District. He has no plans to return to the ASG and intends to create a career with Fresno Unified.
“Originally [Xiong] had scheduled it so that he would work at Webster in the mornings and be able to come to Fresno City College after and do his duties as president,” Greene said. “Unfortunately, Webster Elementary asked him to work hours that would conflict with being able to serve the student body.”
Kou Xiong has been hoping to become a teacher’s aide, so when the opportunity to further his career was given to him, the choice was clear. He had to step down as ASG president.
According to the constitution of the ASG, Greene was appointed president. Xiong said, “I fully believe that Greene can do the job.”
The vacuum Green left will now be filled by Brandon McLaughlin. As the new legislative vice president, McLaughlin is second-in-command.
McLaughlin has been with ASG at FCC since fall 2015, but his interest in student government goes back further.
“During high school, I took a special law program and I was a really quiet student,” he said. “[It] got me really enthusiastic, so I got really into student government.”
McLaughlin was appointed a senator the first week he came to the ASG, he said. As a campus-wide safety senator, McLaughlin worked with the district’s police chief on how to make the campus safer.
After a few months, McLaughlin was elected as the head for the senators, and he also sat on the student grievance committee, which handles student complaints.
When a job interfered with McLaughlin’s ASG duties in 2016, he stepped down, but he still came in to volunteer around the office. “I was here in the office to run the front desk for them,” he said.
Now as legislative vice president, McLaughlin handles internal relations with senators and helps the committees to best represent students.
McLaughlin says he is up to the task, “I feel more qualified because I’ve worked [here before]”.